New Delhi, Apr 14: After the CBSE cancelled the Class 10 examination, all eyes are now on the ICSE exam to be held in the next month. The ICSE Class 10 examination is scheduled to begin on May 4 and end on June 7, while the Class 12 examination will end on June 18, 2021.
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, class 10 exams have been cancelled, and class 12 exams have been postponed.
The Education Ministry (MoE) official said, “The board exams for class 10 are cancelled”. And the result of the examination will be declared based on the criteria developed by the board.
And those candidates who are not happy with the marks of their result will be given a chance to sit and take the exam. The class 12 examination has been postponed, and the situation that exists at present will be investigated, and accordingly, a decision will be taken on June 1.
The students will be informed by the notice 15 days before the commencement of the examination whether the examination will be held or not.
Only after this decision came a storm of posts and meme on the internet, in which there is talk of cancelling the ICSE exam as well.